Aminophylline hydrate, Solvents and excipients Metacresol, Sodium Sulfite, n-methyl -2-pyprolydone
-Aminophylline helps to transport Ca2+ from the cytoplasm to the intercellular space easily, resulting in muscle cell relaxation, loss of bronchospasm, and restore alveolar ventilation.
-Thanks to its muscle relaxant action, Aminophylline increases breathing rate and depth of breath.
-Aminophylline acts directly on the heart to improve coronary circulation. Parallel to an increase in pumping pressure, glomerular filtration also increased.
-The drug is rapidly distributed into extracellular fluids and body tissues.
-In dog body, about 7-14% of the dose is bound to plasma proteins.
-Aminophylline crosses the placenta and excreted into milk (70% concentration in plasma), converted in the liver to 3-methylxanthine.
-Excreted mainly through the kidneys as metabolites, small amount of metabolized aminophylin is not excreted in the feces.
– Resolve immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.
INDICATIONS: Bronchial relaxation – Cough reduction – Sputum release
Supports thrombocytopenia in autoimmune diseases
CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Do not use for pets hypersensitive or allergic to aminophylline.
DOSAGE-ADMINISTRATION: Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection: 1ml/5kg body weight.
EXPIRY DATE: 24 months from date of manufacture (See date of manufacture on label, box of medicine).
STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry place, not exceeding 300C, protect from light.
PACKING SIZE: 2ml vial
Aminophylline supports respiratory disease
Bronchial relaxation - Cough reduction - Sputum release
Supports thrombocytopenia in autoimmune diseases
Supports thrombocytopenia in autoimmune diseases